
I like change- as long as I am in control and I feel safe. (Probably 'cause I was locked in the  house for so long) I get bored easily so, as I get more comfortable with the internet, I'll be making changes-constant changes. 

I've started my life, learned to make my own decisions.

About Me

I am trying to find the good in life. I am working toward being an accomplished young woman, mother, and wife.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I am almost halfway done throught the first side of my bag for the International Tote Exchange 3 
and I have 10 of the 24 embelishments made. I am stuck because I am waiting for my last color 
to arrive so that I can continue working.  While I wait I have decided that I want to make
another bag from the book of patterns I got for this bag, and if my math serves, I'll have a bit of
yarn left over- so I can buy another skein and start on the base and sides of my current bag and then I'll have
more than enough yarn left over to make a bag for me. Do you think I can convince my hubby that
this new skein is for the current bag? Or  should I just get it and not tell him where it came from? 

On another note, last Sunday a woman who attended the church I grew up in came over so that her
son could use my computer for his Science Fair Project. Anyway, Dani has been telling them all a
little about my past and they are all shocked, and she asked and well, I told her, I didn't get into a lot of detail, but I skimed over most of it. She confessed that one day they were making dinner and she told my mom that it was easier/better to do it "this" way and mi mama looked at her and humiliated her and frightened her so much that she never approached mi mama again. And yet, she left me in her care. She did nothing. And these are the people that I am supposed to call brother and sister and teach my cubs to respecet, these are the people that are suppose to become my community. I can't just yet, I can be civil, I learned that from my books. But I can't be that cold, I can't and honestly I don't want to. Before she left she hugged me and told me that she couldn't believe how strong I was to survive 18 years of "that." And that I had to keep going for my cubs, but before our conversation my Dani was the hero because he decided to marry me  "dispite my illness that had made me a cripple"-even though she(they) never took the time to verify, they ate up her lies and yet, they had me pegged.  And now, I am again pittied, I think that I liked it more when they hated me for having "caught" Dani. When you know him, you'll understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoraida!
How's your weekend going? We have been pretty busy, we went roller skating today. I just wanted to shoot you a note to tell you that I FINALLY got your package in the mail on Saturday so let me know when you get it. Sorry it's taken so long.
Stay strong, keep your chin up, I'm praying for you daily. YOUR strength is an inspiration to me.

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