
I like change- as long as I am in control and I feel safe. (Probably 'cause I was locked in the  house for so long) I get bored easily so, as I get more comfortable with the internet, I'll be making changes-constant changes. 

I've started my life, learned to make my own decisions.

About Me

I am trying to find the good in life. I am working toward being an accomplished young woman, mother, and wife.

Friday, March 16, 2007


My dad came over and asked me what the box was doing outside. I asked him what box? And so he brought in my goodies from the international tote exchange. There were two books, Pursenalitis and Blus Smoke, my Purese! of course! (Thank you! I love it and the embelishments are great!) There were some pens and a red planner and a some post it notes shaped like a butterfly! and some beautiful hand soap and foot masage gel! (trust me, I will be using that tonight) and a calculator! Thank you Debbie Brown! Oh, and I almost forgot, a beautiful necklace. I'll get some pictures up soon.

We are doing better, I think Dani is having a harder time than I am. I've accepted the fact that I can't change the fact that I still have my baby and Tonia doesn't, I can just be there for her. We went to the wake last Sunday night. Dani played the piano the whole night, while they prayed and cried. The next morning everyone went to the funeral and I decied to come home instead, I was tired. I wanted to go today, but I am still tired.

I was shocked to learn that his middle name was Ivan. About three months before my DD was born I got it in my head that I wanted to name her Iva. No clue why. I'd never heard it before and plus, I was searching for a Mayan name. And her name had been decided long before she was made. Deimari. But then, I really wanted to name her Iva, and then Dani decided that he wanted to name her Miakoda. But I could not give my daughter three names, so I put two together, IvaDeimari. Iva, feminine for Ivan. Variation of John. Meaning either God is good or the greates gift from God. Gianni- Italian for John- my son's name.

Like they say, God works in misterious ways.

Work is going well. I do too much work with numbers. Last night was the orientation for school. I met a few class mates. There are two other people that are starting fashion design with me. I will be taking 13 credits in ten weeks. That fact is scaring me. I used to take 13 credits in 18 months. Now, my time is reduced to ten weeks. And I still have to go to work and take care of my cubs and the house, and work with my hubby. I don't know how I am going to pull it all off. I just know that I have to find a way. This is where the organizer I got earlier will come in handy! And those pens. I know that I have a note book here somewhere from two semesters ago ... maybe that was three semesters ago, anyway, I am ready, I am just waiting for 5 o'clock Monday evening to roll around.

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